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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Marvel Strange Tales #3

Much like the first two issues, I colored the introduction page to the new issue of Marvel Strange Tales #3 which is at your local comic book store today.  Unlike the pages posted here, those versions have exciting dialogue!  Look for this cover:

But wait, there's more!  For this third and final issue, Nick Bertozzi drew (and I colored) an outro page too!  That's right, two pages of brilliant Watcher color for the price of one!  If you enjoy these fine drawings, you can now own them by venturing over to Mr. Bertozzi's wonderful site (designed by yours truly) to purchase them.

But wait, there's more!  The outro page features what (to my knowledge) is the first dark-skinned Watcher in comics history.  I pulled an all-nighter to color these pages and sometime around 4:30 in the morning I thought to myself, "Why are all of these Watchers pasty white?"  I was pleased to see the editor approved this monumental whimsy, and in doing so, improved alien-race relations everywhere.

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