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Monday, April 20, 2009

Another Cartoon for This American Life

I did a smidgen of work for animator extraordinaire John Kuramoto on another Chris Ware cartoon.  The short piece was made for the upcoming This American Life Live show beaming out to theaters around the country this Thursday, April 23rd.

Unlike the past two cartoons, this piece was not based on a previously recorded This American Life story but instead is an original story written by Mr. Ware based on his characters Quimby the Mouse and Sparky the Cat (Head).  It follows the theme of the show, "Return to the Scene of the Crime," and is set to a fine tune by Andrew Bird.

Hopefully after the show airs, the Powers That Be will release the cartoon on the internets. You can see the cartoon here.  Still, I encourage everyone that has access to a theater receiving the live feed of the show to check it out.  I was at the last one and had a grand ol' time.  This one looks to be even better with guests like Dan Savage and Joss Whedon!

Monday, April 6, 2009

ACT-I-VATE Primer: Persimmon Cup

Here's a sneak peak at a 12 page Persimmon Cup story I just finished coloring for Nick Bertozzi.  It will appear in the upcoming ACT-I-VATE Primer, a 150 page anthology based on characters and stories that you can already read for free at ACT-I-VATE.com.   The book will be published by IDW sometime in September or October of this year.   Stories in the primer will all be self contained, stand alone stories that live in the diverse universes that make the ACT-I-VATE site the best place to get your web comic fix.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Figure Drawing 5

I'm taking a brief hiatus from my weekly Second Chance Vance postings while I finish up a couple higher priority (paying) jobs.  To tide you over, here's a figure drawing I did a while ago using a bamboo brush and poster paint wash.

Tempera Paint on Vellum, 14"x17"