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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Stuffed! Is Released!

I spent a couple of months last year coloring Stuffed! a 120 page graphic novel written by Glenn Eichler and drawn by Nick Bertozzi.  I share co-coloring credit with Mr. Bertozzi, who showed me the ins and outs of selecting the best color palette for a specific scene.

We based the coloring style on  Hergé's TinTin, using clean, flat colors with location-based palettes.  In the beginning, Nick would provide me with color guides signaling what hues he wanted for certain things.  As the book progressed, I took on more of those choices.  Here is an example color guide and the finished page:

The book was published by First Second and can be found at your local book stores.  Glenn Eichler wrote a pretty funny entry over at the First Second website about his first day as a Published Author hanging out in Barnes and Noble. 
One last note, I was pretty pleased to see that my boredom-inspired Easter Egg made it to print -- when I saw Nick's drawing of a fanny-pack-wearing, mullet-ed tourist in Times Square, the look on his face told me he was a zombie.

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